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eat more cake

10 Serious Reasons Everyone Should Eat More Cake!

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for celebration or anniversary, cake is very important for these occasion to show one's care and love.

1. Cake is made with eggs, flour, and milk, so it’s basically a breakfast food.

2. Desserts with carbs and chocolate — like chocolate cake! — can put you in a better mood, according to science.

3. Sweet treats, including cake, may actually reduce stress levels.

4. When you treat yourself more often, you’ll feel more energized and content.

5. Chocolate has proven heart-healthy benefits, so say yes to that chocolate cake!

6. Life isn’t always a “piece of cake” — but you can simplify it by eating more cake!

7. Sharing food — like cake! — can make you a better person, says science

8. Cake can turn even the most mundane experiences into celebrations!

9. Eating a little snack before bed can help you sleep — and cake is sure to give you sweet dreams.

10. You actually CAN have your cake and eat it too (there is always more cake) — so why not?